Smart Stethoscope

Designers: Ferenc Laufer, Andras Hunfalvi
Client: Dualscope Ltd.

Dualscope is a smart ECG stethoscope that can detect possible heart abnormalities from the earliest signs.

The device’s patented technology with integrated artificial intelligence solutions and analytic algorythms can help general practitioners to detect a wide range of heart malfunctions at an early stage.

DualScope is a professional medical device with the friendly aesthetics of a wearable gadget.

How it Works

The DualScope can analyze the electrical state of the heart (ECG) and the heart tone (PKG) at the same time. By comparing these, heart problems can be detected already during a general practitioner's examination, which until now could only be detected by more serious measurements.

The touch display on the sensors provides immediate feedback on the measurements, and a more detailed analysis is possible through the mobile app of DualScope.

Product Design

Stethoscopes have been the attributes of medical professionals since they were invented. Worn around the neck, these objects symbolize healing, proficiency and reliability. Besides the technical innovations Dualscope was designed to substi- tute and even upgrade the image of stethoscope wearing medicians.

Product Development

The idea of DualScope and the management of its development are attributed to Prof. György Kozmann, who has already taken a key role in the invention of several wearable medical devices (WIWE, HeartBit). 


Hand in Scan


Mercedes-Benz IVY